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Burung Rangkong, Si Petani Hutan

Burung Rangkong adalah salah satu jenis burung yang dilindungi di Indonesia. Paruhnya yang cantik kerap menjadi sasaran pemburu. Burung Rangkong disebut juga sebagai burung Julang Emas, Enggang, Kangkareng, dan Julang. Dalam Bahasa Inggris, burung ini disebut sebagai Hornbill. Indonesia adalah rumah bagi 13 dari 62 jenis burung rangkong yang ada di dunia yang tersebar di pulau Sumatra, Jawa, Kalimantan, dan ...

August 31, 2022 Animals, Conservation, Nature, Tips

Komodo Dragons, the Incredible Creatures on Earth

Komodo Dragons are incredibly the biggest lizard in the world. Komodo, or Varanus komodoensis, is endemic to Komodo Island and a few neighboring islands of the Lesser Sunda Islands of Indonesia. Physical Appearance They weigh an average 300 pounds and can grow up to 10 feet long. Even so, they are incredibly fast, and can outrun many animals and definitely ...

August 26, 2022 Animals, Conservation, Nature

Safari Journey, The Highlight Activity in Bali Safari Park

Providing a unique exposure to the animals which is different from other conventional zoos, this safari program allows you a rare opportunity to witness the wildlife closer. – While you go on a fun and educational Safari Journey, you can meet and interact with them personally! Exclusive Safari Tram Safari Journey is the highlight attraction where you will ride an ...

August 22, 2022 Accommodation, Activities, Animals, Nature, Tips

Kenali 3 jenis Harimau Asli Indonesia, 2 diantaranya Sudah Punah

Harimau adalah salah satu satwa yang keberadaannya terancam di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia, satwa ini disebut memiliki hubungan yang dekat dengan manusia di beberapa daerah, terutama di Pulau Sumatra. Disana, mereka dianggap memiliki hubungan spiritual dengan manusia. Sehingga, tak jarang yang menjuluki satwa ini sebagai warisan budaya Indonesia. 3 jenis harimau endemik Indonesia Di Indonesia, terdapat 3 jenis harimau endemik ...

August 15, 2022 Animals, Conservation, Culture, Nature

Amazing Facts About Cassowary

The Cassowary is usually considered to be the world's most dangerous bird, at least where humans are concerned. But don’t take it as a nightmare – they’re fairly shy and peaceful if unprovoked. Being the third-tallest birds, Cassowary plays an important role in their tropical forest ecosystem. See more facts about these big birds through the article below! Attractive Features ...

July 18, 2022 Animals, Conservation, Nature

IAPVC, Liburan berhadiah di Taman Safari

Hai sahabat satwa, ada kabar gembira nih buat kalian semua. Dapatkan kesempatan memenangkan hadiah jutaan rupiah sambil liburan di Taman Safari. Mari jalan-jalan ke Taman Safari dan dapatkan hadiah total ratusan juta rupiah serta kamera Canon EOS R6. Bagaimana caranya? Yuk segera daftarkan diri sahabat di kompetisi bergengsi International Animal Photo and Video Competition (IAPVC) 2022. International Animal Photo and ...

July 6, 2022 Accommodation, Activities, Animal, Animals, Hotel, Nature, Tips

Big Deal of Flash Sale 7.7

As seventh of July, also known as 7.7, is a unique date, and so is our hotel.  Mara River Safari Lodge is a unique hotel with an African wildlife panorama. Hereby to celebrate that special date, we offer to you the Mara River 7.7 Flash Sale. It is only IDR 999K for this Room & Breakfast package per night. Please ...

July 4, 2022 Accommodation, Activities, Hotel, Nature

Fun Facts About The Serval Cat

Mara River Safari Lodge has always something new for you. This time, we present you with another African-things animal in our park. It's a Serval Cat! Have you heard about this animal before? Let's check this out! For some people, it may be a little bit stranger when they hear about this animal for the first time. Here, we introduce ...

June 27, 2022 Animal, Animals, Nature