Notice These 5 Signs Why You Should Go on Vacation!
Hectic days on the weekdays, endless tasks and jobs – Well, those things lead you to know that you need some vacation on the weekend. If you feel like you lost some of your energy and spirits, then you need to recharge yourself. Going on a vacation is probably the best option you can take. Here are 5 signs why ...
July 29, 2022 Activities, Hotel, Nature, Tips, vacation Safari Journey, an Incredible Trip at the Park
Safari Journey is one of the signature products in our park. It has been favorite activity to do by visitors when visiting our park. Safari Journey is a journey of exploration into the world's most well-known regions, such as Indonesia, India, and Africa. You can comfortably sit inside our safari bus tram to see wild animals freely roaming their exhibits. ...
July 25, 2022 Accommodation, Activities, Animals, Conservation Unique Dining You Can Have during Staycation
Bali Safari Park and Mara River Safari Lodge are complete vacation places for everyone. Besides providing you with enormous animal education and entertainment, we also prepared you with unique restaurants here. What are they? Let’s have a look. Unique Dining Experience at Tsavo Lion Restaurant Tsavo Lion Restaurant is the first unique restaurant you can find here. It is located ...
July 22, 2022 Accommodation, Activities, Restaurant Yuk kenalan sama Chacoan Mara!
Chacoan Mara mempunyai nama ilmiah Dolichotis salinicola dan lebih dikenal sebagai Mara. Satwa ini berasal dari Paraguay, Bolivia bagian selatan, hingga Argentina bagian selatan dan barat laut. Secara khusus, satwa ini adalah satwa endemik dari Chaco, sebuah area di Paraguay yang terdiri dari area lahan basah, semak belukar, hutan gersang, dan sungai musiman. Ciri Fisik Chacoan Mara Chacoan Mara tergolong ...
July 20, 2022 Accommodation, Animals, Conservation Amazing Facts About Cassowary
The Cassowary is usually considered to be the world's most dangerous bird, at least where humans are concerned. But don’t take it as a nightmare – they’re fairly shy and peaceful if unprovoked. Being the third-tallest birds, Cassowary plays an important role in their tropical forest ecosystem. See more facts about these big birds through the article below! Attractive Features ...
July 18, 2022 Animals, Conservation, Nature Get Yourself Ready before Start the Adventure in the Park!
Our Mara River Safari Lodge is integrated with the best amusement and conservational park in Bali, Bali Safari Park. Therefore, whilst staying at our lodge, get ready to explore our park too. What should you prepare then? Here are some things you should prepare before exploring our park. Get Yourself Ready with Map and Show Schedule Our park is about ...
July 15, 2022 Accommodation, Activities, Hotel, Tips Peken Bali, Take a Closer Look at the Balinese Traditional Activities
Heading to Bali and looking for an adventurous day trip? A must thing to do firsthand is to experience Balinese culture and traditional activities. Balinese customs, as one of the authentic daily habits of Balinese people, can be impressive things to learn! As a traveler, it can help us understand better the differences between cultures and ethnicities. Do you need ...
July 13, 2022 Accommodation, Activities, Animal, Animals Maybank Marathon 2022
Event Maybank Marathon merupakan ajang lomba lari tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh pihak Maybank Indonesia. Selain menjadi wisata utama olahraga, ajang ini juga melibatkan keluarga yang datang agar bisa berlibur di Bali. Di tahun 2022, Event Maybank Maraton akan hadir kembali untuk para penggemar marathon. – Simak artikel berikut untuk mengetahui info lebih lanjut mengenai event bergengsi ini! Sejarah dan Prestasi ...
July 8, 2022 Accommodation, Activities, Bali Culture, Hotel, Tips, Travel IAPVC, Liburan berhadiah di Taman Safari
Hai sahabat satwa, ada kabar gembira nih buat kalian semua. Dapatkan kesempatan memenangkan hadiah jutaan rupiah sambil liburan di Taman Safari. Mari jalan-jalan ke Taman Safari dan dapatkan hadiah total ratusan juta rupiah serta kamera Canon EOS R6. Bagaimana caranya? Yuk segera daftarkan diri sahabat di kompetisi bergengsi International Animal Photo and Video Competition (IAPVC) 2022. International Animal Photo and ...
July 6, 2022 Accommodation, Activities, Animal, Animals, Hotel, Nature, Tips Big Deal of Flash Sale 7.7
As seventh of July, also known as 7.7, is a unique date, and so is our hotel. Mara River Safari Lodge is a unique hotel with an African wildlife panorama. Hereby to celebrate that special date, we offer to you the Mara River 7.7 Flash Sale. It is only IDR 999K for this Room & Breakfast package per night. Please ...
July 4, 2022 Accommodation, Activities, Hotel, Nature