What Makes A Zebra Special?
Anyone can recognize the Zebra with its pretty black and white patterned coat. But, did you know African wild horse has so many interesting fact and features? Interesting Facts About Zebra Zebra is native to Africa and very closely related to horses and donkeys Each individual has its own unique striped pattern. It's means every Zebras in the world have different ...
December 31, 2022 Animal, Animals, Conservation, Hotel, Nature, Wildlife Chinese New Year Vacation at Mara River Safari Lodge
Celebrate Chinese New Year with Wildlife in Nature Chinese New Year Vacation at Mara River Safari Lodge is the appropriate destination to having the excitement with family. Chinese New Year or Indonesian people known as “Imlek” comes from the word "Im" means month and "Lek" means calendar, is an important celebration for people of Chinese culture. In four seasons countries ...
December 21, 2022 Accommodation, Activities, Animal, Conservation, Hotel, Nature, Travel, vacation, Wildlife White Rhinoceros Facts
Did you know that White Rhino is not actually white? And also, what they are currently facing? Near Threatened status by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)? In this article, we will share some conservation facts about White Rhinos. Near Threatened Conservation Status (NT) Due to the decline of their population, the White Rhino is currently listed by the ...
December 17, 2022 Animal, Animals, Conservation, Nature, Wildlife Facts About African Savanna Wildebeest
You have probably seen the Wildebeest? They are one of the most common animals found in the African savanna. Wildebeest earned their name due to their menacing appearance - a large head and shaggy mane with sharp, curved horns. Despite how menacing they look however, they’re actually the primary source of food for the real predators of the African Savanna ...
December 11, 2022 Accommodation, Animal, Animals, Conservation, Hotel, vacation, Wildlife Best Deals Package in Mara River Safari Lodge
Mara River Safari Lodge always has something special for our beloved guests. This time, we have promo packages available. There are two best deals packages we can offer to you. There are Holiday Experience 3 Days 2 Night with Elephant and Romantic Adventure Package. Here Are The Deals Package You Can Take 1. Holiday Experience 3 Days 2 Night Package ...
December 4, 2022 Accommodation, Activities, Animal, Conservation, Hotel, Nature, Restaurant, Tips, Travel, vacation, Wildlife