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Hyena, The Laughing Cat-like Mammal

Many people consider Hyenas to be stray dogs. In fact, hyenas do not belong to the dog family. Hyenas are members of the suborder Feliformia, a classification of cat-like carnivores. They are not wild dogs This might come as a surprise because they have a snout and pointy ears that resemble German Shepherds’. In fact, taxonomically speaking, they are more ...

October 12, 2022 Animals, Conservation, Nature

Binturong, the Bearcat You Should Know

The binturong is a family of verridae or known as wolves. They have a long strong bodies and black fur which is gray on its top. It is native to South and Southeast Asia. Binturong is available every day in our park in the Animal Educational Presentations or in their exhibit. Here are 5 unique facts about Binturong. Called a bearcat ...

October 7, 2022 Animals, Conservation, Nature

Indonesian Endangered Endemic Animals

Indonesia has a rich biodiversity of flora and fauna. However, some of them has already extinct. Now, let’s have a look at some of the Indonesian endangered endemic animals that threatened by extinction. Orangutan Orangutan is the big ape family that endemic to Indonesia. There are 3 kind of Orangutans that can be found in Indonesia such as the Sumatran ...

October 5, 2022 Animals, Conservation, Nature

Peringatan 5 Tahun Konservasi Giant Panda di Taman Safari Indonesia

Tahun ini menandakan 5 tahun peringatan keberadaan Giant Panda di Taman Safari Indonesia. Didatangkan langsung dari Tiongkok pada tahun 2017, Taman Safari Indonesia ditunjuk sebagai lembaga konservasi dan pengembangbiakan Panda oleh KLHK. Panda yang didatangkan berjumlah 2 ekor dan bernama Caito dan Huchun. Satwa ini menjadi bukti hubungan bilateral yang harmonis antara Pemerintah Indonesia dan Tiongkok. Panda merupakan harta nasional ...

September 30, 2022 Activities, Animals, Conservation, Nature

The Ultimate Guide for True Animal Lovers

As time goes by, animals have been facing serious threats to their habitats and existences in the wild. Therefore, this is the ultimate guide for true animal lovers to help conserve and preserve them. As a home for more than a hundred species, Bali Safari Park definitely the best stop for a true animal lover. As part of Taman Safari ...

September 28, 2022 Animal, Animals, Conservation, Nature, Tips

Beruang Terkecil di Dunia, si Beruang Madu

Beruang madu (Helarctos malayanus) termasuk familia Ursidae dan merupakan jenis paling kecil dari kedelapan jenis yang ada di dunia, Satwa ini adalah satwa ikon khas dari Belitung. Selain itu, beruang ini juga menjadi mascot khas kota Balikpapan. Untuk mengenal satwa ini lebih jauh, yuk simak beberapa fakta mengenai beruang asli Asia Tenggara ini sebagai berikut. Tampilan Fisik Beruang Madu Dari beberapa jenis beruang yang ada ...

September 21, 2022 Animals, Conservation, Nature

Eclectus Parrot: the Chatty Stunning Bird!

Eclectus parrot is known for their ability to chat with a human. Therefore, this makes the bird becomes admired by many people. The Eclectus parrot (Eclectus roratus) is a parrot native to the Solomon Islands, Sumba, New Guinea, and nearby islands, northeastern Australia, and the Maluku Islands (Moluccas). Speech & Sound Eclectus parrots generally are not prone to excessive noisiness. They can be pretty vocal and are capable of developing ...

September 9, 2022 Animals, Conservation, Nature

Get to Know About The Waterbuck

What is Waterbuck? Waterbuck is an herbivore animal that lives in Africa.  It belongs to the large family of bovids, plant-eating hooved animals with horns and a four-chambered stomach for extracting nutrients from a diet of grass or foliage. These ruminants regurgitate and re-chew their food (chewing the cud). Physical Characteristic of the Waterbuck Waterbucks can size up to 120 ...

September 5, 2022 Animals, Conservation, Nature