Indonesian Endangered Endemic Animals

Home » Indonesian Endangered Endemic Animals
Published on October 5, 2022 | Animals, Conservation, Nature

endangered-animalsIndonesia has a rich biodiversity of flora and fauna. However, some of them has already extinct. Now, let’s have a look at some of the Indonesian endangered endemic animals that threatened by extinction.

  1. Orangutan

orangutan, the endangered animal

Orangutan is the big ape family that endemic to Indonesia. There are 3 kind of Orangutans that can be found in Indonesia such as the Sumatran Orangutan, Borneon Orangutan, and Tapanuli Orangutan. Sumatran Orangutan has a unique feature which is the brownish red fur. Meanwhile, the Bornean Orangutan has a rather large temple resembling a pillow. While the Tapanuli Orangutan is a relatively recently discovered species which its numbers are very alarming in the wild.

  1. Tiger

Similar to Orangutan, the existence of the endemic tiger in Indonesia is also terrible. There are 2 out of 3 species of tiger that has already extinct. Those species are Java Tiger and Bali Tiger. Recently, there are only around 400 Sumatran tigers left, and all of them are found in the conservation sites only.

  1. Komodo Dragon

Komodo Dragons are the largest lizard in the world and is endemic to the East Nusa Tenggara island. This animal is very well-known all over the world. Unfortunately, there are also not many of them left in the wild and threatened with extinction. The existence of human activities such as hunting, expansion of settlements, and tourism development makes Komodo’s natural habitat increasingly disappear.

  1. The Bali Starling

bali starling, bali endangered animal
Burung ini hanya dapat ditemui di Bali, tepatnya di Taman Nasional Bali Barat. Jalak Bali tergolong satwa yang suka berkicau. Kini, jumlahnya tak terlalu banyak di alam liar akibat adanya perburuan.

Bali Starling can only be found in Bali, especially at West Bali National Park. This bird is a chatty bird. Now, this bird faces a big challenge on its number that decreasing due to the hunting by human. Bali Safari Park has been actively involving in conserving the Bali Starling.

  1. Borneon Elephant

borneon elephant, the endangered animalBesides Orangutan, Kalimantan is home to another endemic animal such as elephant. Borneon Elephant has relatively a smaller physical body compared to the Indian one. Moreover, this elephant is not as aggressive as other elephants.

  1. Cendrawasih, Bird of the Paradise

cendrawasih, the endangered animal from PapuaCendrawasih bird is an endemic bird from Papua. This bird has a very beautiful fur. Therefore, Cendrawasih bird is also known as the bird of paradise. Sadly, the numbers of this bird in the wild is not much. However, this bird is still freely fly in several remote locations in Papua. There is a unique fact for those who want to meet him directly in nature. You should not wear perfume because this bird can smell the scent of your perfume. As a result, the bird of paradise will leave just because it smells the scent.

  1. Sumatran Rhino

rhino, the endangered animalSumatran rhino is the smallest species of rhino in the world and the only two-horn rhino in Asia. They live solitary, which means live together in a group. In a group which consist of less than 80 rhinos, rhino can only give birth to one baby every three or four years.

Those are only some of many endangered animals left. All of them need to take care of together. Once extinct, they will  be only a legend to our next generation. Find them here!