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Vacation Gets More Exciting in Bali Alongside Taman Safari Bali and staying at Mara River Safari Lodge

Bali, the paradise island of Indonesia, not only offers beautiful beaches and a rich culture but also a unique experience at Taman Safari Bali. If you're seeking a vacation that combines natural beauty, diverse wildlife, and family entertainment, Taman Safari Bali is the perfect destination. Here are some reasons why your holiday in Bali will be even more enjoyable with ...

November 11, 2023 Accommodation, Activities, Animals, Hotel, Restaurant, Uncategorized, vacation, Wildlife

Mara River Lodge, Symphony of Wilderness in Luxurious Accommodation

Welcome to Mara River Safari Lodge, a place where the harmony between wilderness and luxury converges into a captivating symphony. One of the must-visit places for wildlife enthusiasts is Mara River Safari Lodge at Bali Safari. Located in the heart of the Bali Safari and Marine Park, Mara River Lodge offers an unparalleled experience in combining the beauty of wildlife ...

September 19, 2023 Accommodation, Activities, Hotel, Nature, Restaurant, Travel, Uncategorized, vacation, Wildlife

To welcome World Rhino Day, Bali Safari will hold a spectacular Carnival Rhino.

Bali Safari & Marine will hold a spectacular celebration to commemorate World Rhino Day this year. This annual event is held in a dazzling celebration called "Carnival Rhino." The event not only commemorates World Rhino Day but also provides an opportunity for visitors to have fun and get to know rhinos, iconic animals that we need to protect together. What ...

September 10, 2023 Accommodation, Activities, Animal, Animals, Hotel, Nature, Uncategorized, vacation, Wildlife

The Joyful Side of Rhinoceroses

Rhinoceroses, often referred to as "rhinos", are magnificent and unique creatures known for their distinctive horned appearance and prehistoric lineage. Let's explore the joyous side of rhinoceroses with these fun facts! Ancient Creatures Rhinos are among the oldest land mammals on Earth, with fossil evidence dating back over 50 million years. Furthermore, they have a long evolutionary history and are ...

April 20, 2023 Animals, Conservation, Wildlife

What Makes Zebra Special?

Zebra Origins Zebra is a mammal that is native to Africa. It is known for its distinctive black and white striped coat, which is unique to each individual. Zebras belong to the same family as horses and donkeys, and are known for their strong herding instincts and social behavior. Habitat Zebras are native to the grasslands, savannas, and semi-arid regions ...

March 24, 2023 Animal, Conservation, Hotel, Wildlife

Patagonian Mara – Grassland Dwelling Rodents

Do you like bunny and deer? This time we will discuss one animal that similar like them, namely the Patagonian mara. Patagonian mara (Dolichotis Patagonum) is an unusual-looking species of large rodent. They have long ears like rabbit and a body that resembles that of a small deer. Curious about this animal? Let's follow the article! Habitat Patagonian mara are ...

January 28, 2023 Animal, Animals, Conservation, Hotel, Wildlife

Sun Bear, The Smallest Bear in the World

Sun bear ( Helarctos malayanus) is the smallest and one of the rarest bear species. It is also known as the "honey bear", due to its love of honeycombs and honey. Legend has, it that sun bears are named after the patch on their chest because it represents the rising sun. Sun Bear Habitat Sun bears live in primary forests, ...

January 21, 2023 Animal, Conservation, Nature, Wildlife

Giraffe, Most Tallest Land-living Animal

The giraffe is a large African hoofed mammal belonging to the genus Giraffa. It is the tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant on Earth. Giraffe Habitat Giraffes can inhabit savannas, grasslands, or open woodlands. They prefer areas enriched with acacia growth (a genus of shrubs and trees). Most giraffes live either in East Africa or in Angola and ...

January 14, 2023 Accommodation, Activities, Animal, Conservation, Hotel, Nature, Wildlife