Get to Know About The Waterbuck

What is Waterbuck? Waterbuck is an herbivore animal that lives in Africa.  It belongs to the large family of bovids, plant-eating hooved animals with horns and a four-chambered stomach for extracting nutrients from a diet of grass or foliage. These ruminants regurgitate and re-chew their food (chewing the cud). Physical Characteristic of the Waterbuck Waterbucks can size up to 120 ...

September 5, 2022 Animals, Conservation, Nature

What is Behind The Bali Agung Show?

Bali Agung show is one of the most spectacular shows in our park. Conducted indoor in a huge comfy auditorium, this shows displays a harmonic combination among the dancers, musicians, animals, and many more. This show actually fuses the old classical Balinese story with modern audio, lighting, and set up to make it exceptional. Are you exciting there, aren’t you? ...

September 2, 2022 Activities, Animals, Bali Culture, Culture